Balance of Nature
Chuck Offutt with Michael Dulin
About Chuck Offutt
I have been playing one kind of flute or another for over 50 years. My repertoire ranges from Renaissance Dances on the soprano and alto recorders to classical, contemporary Christian, and Latin on the traditional silver flute to my recent passion for the Native American flute. I have recently released my first solo Native American Flute album, Balance of Nature. I first provided an ethereal backdrop of Native American flute melodies behind the richly spiritual readings of Bob Patrick on the 2001 album, For All Seasons. Balance of Nature represents my entry into the meditative and spiritual tapestry of the solo Native American flute.
I am not only a seasoned performer but I was fortunate to serve as director of The Xavier Singers of St. Francis Xavier Church in Birmingham, Alabama for 13 years. My recording discography with my choir includes “From the Heart” and “For All Seasons” on which I was director, producer, and performer. These recordings include instrumental performances on a variety of flutes and recorders, MIDI Wind Controller and several vocal solos.
I recorded vocally in 1997 on the Internationally produced album, “Joy on Earth” from the Taize community in Taize, France.
I have accompanied in concert contemporary Christian recording artists such as David Haas, Bobby Fisher and Gary Daigle.
I am proudly a member of the International Native American Flute Association, INAFA.

My flute collection from J.P. Gomez
Respected Insights
Instrumental Music Artist Reviews

Wind and Wire
"Balance of Nature is one of the better recordings of Native American-influenced flute fusion music I've heard in a few years."

New Age Reporter
"...reminds me quite a bit of R. Carlos Nakai's Inner Voices...”

New Age Retailer
“...absolutely ideal for massage therapy and post-yoga meditation.”